Have you ever woken up in the morning and felt exhausted, weary and like you haven’t slept?
Millions of women over 30 around the globe report feeling fatigued and run down all day.
Even if they went to bed early and slept all night...
Many doctors pass it off as “just part of life and getting older”
However, research suggests ageing isn’t the only issue.
The good news is you can do something about it.
Some days it’s easy to blame the yawns, and feeling like you’re wearing concrete shoes on your busy life, irregular sleep or compounding stress…
And often… You may be right.
However, feeling like you’re running on empty for days on end may well be a sign of something else.
And one of the major reasons could be your HORMONES.
Many women don’t realize just how much hormones affect the way we feel and how our bodies function.
Hormones control so many functions! You’re probably heard of cortisol, the stress hormone.
Hormones also control how quickly we burn calories, our libido, acne, hair loss, weight, moods, and much more.
A hormone imbalance can lead to symptoms that feel like depression (or is depression), iron or other deficiency, exhaustion, and poor health.
We need the right balance to function properly.
A loose analogy would be putting the wrong type of oil and gas into your vehicle. It might run, but poorly, so you might not realize what the problem is.
Many people have heard that a thyroid imbalance can cause weight gain and other problems, so let’s go over two other imbalances that you may not be aware of.
We have two adrenal glands. The adrenal cortex releases hormones that are necessary for us to live. The adrenal medulla releases hormones that aren’t essential, but they’re still important and affect our health.
Following are symptoms for both an insufficiency and excess of hormones.
If you find you have five or more of the symptoms on either list, it’s possible that your adrenal glands are not functioning as they should.
As you can see, hormones can completely change how you feel!
Sex Hormone Imbalance
“Sex” hormone might not be what you first think about.
The side effects of this kind of imbalance include acne persisting long after puberty, mood swings, facial hair and a swollen tummy!
The symptoms are more physical and visual with this imbalance, and they affect your fertility.
If you find that you’re experiencing a number of these symptoms, it’s time to look closer.
Luckily, there are natural ways to control and manage your hormones so you feel healthy again.
And one of the best ways is through diet.
As you will see below inside our Free Ebook "25 Energy Boosting Superfoods For Women" is a great done-for-you resource designed to help you FEEL more balanced by banishing fatigue and giving you the energy boost needed to go about your day with gusto
With one energy boosting tip after the other you’ll finally be able to live your life on your terms, feel great and THRIVE.
Everything written in this book is based not only on solid scientific research, but also on my own experience.
I’ve practiced in my own life everything I’ve preached from the foods we’re going to talk about to the high energy tips.